Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Who's going to stop you?

I've come to learn that the Truth will set you free, but not before it pisses you the hell off. However, after you've embraced your own life's truth, there's something beautiful in store. I'm a witness.

One of the most courageous things you can do is look in the mirror, identify yourself for yourself, and love the person who stares back at you. You'll be liberated from your own fears, and empowered in a way you didn't think was possible.

And, after you walk in that truth, have fully identified and accepted who you are and Whose you are, the question isn't who is going to let you, it will be who is going to stop you.

Feel the exhilaration of victory and the liberation of self-love with me...

All of my Empowered Warriors and warriors in the making,
Stand Up!


Elissa Gabrielle is the Publisher of Peace In The Storm Publishing. Learn more at

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