Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Only a fool fights for what already belongs to him...

Only a fool fights for what already belongs to him...The Truth. Once you realize that you own it, you have power you never realized. I have learned to walk my own path in life, to acknowledge, absorb and digest my own truth, because I deserve it. In that same truthful and honest breath, you must walk a path that is different from the one you were told to walk by others, so that you can live the life you want to be remembered by.

Living the life someone else wants you to and adhering to the wishes of others over your life is not an option. Convention tells us to simply follow directions and take the path of the least amount of risk, but that won't allow you to be the wonderfully-unique soul you are meant to be. Essential truth is not about ironclad laws, but about living fully and honestly in every moment.

Everyday, I make an effort to live the life of my dreams; to leave footprints I want to be remembered by. It's my Truth - I Own It. Now's the time to live your life like you mean it.

Won't you join me?
~Elissa Gabrielle
Elissa Gabrielle is the Publisher at Peace In The Storm Publishing. Learn more at www.peaceinthestormpublishing.com.

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