Sunday, December 21, 2008

ADQ - The Man, the movement and me by Lorraine Elzia

ADQ (A Deeva Quickie)
The 44th President of the United States: The Man, the Movement and Me

It’s no secret I have been an Obama supporter from day one. Even before he announced his candidacy for presidency, he was my candidate of choice.

The Man

My upbringing is one that I was always taught to be a strong black woman, not needing the support of a man, or any other person for my basic needs in life, let alone anything above and beyond that basic need.

I was taught to be self sufficient in all that I do and that a man’s presence in my life should be an accessory to who I am, and never should be something I needed to survive or to ‘complete’ who I was in any manner.

That is not a put down on men, but a push for independency of women.

There is a difference…and marinate on it a minute if it is not crystal clear to you. It is a piece of logic and wisdom that I wholeheartedly embrace and spoon-feed to everyone I know…regardless of sex, race or any other factor…Love you…do you…be an entity in and of yourself that does not require the existence of another human being in order to sustain the beauty that is you. Embrace the work of art that you are. God created you with the supplies that you need to exist in the realm of who you are without the aide of another…this same thing rings true for men and every human being.

We all should be self-sufficient…allowing anyone we choose to allow along for the ride that is our lives to raise their hands and say “weeee” on the down stroke, only because they have been ‘allowed’ to ride…not because we “need” them in order to flip the on switch in order for the ride to begin.

That being said…I find it hard to yield to a man. And Barack was no different…if anything, to win this voter’s heart; he had a hard hill to climb.

The Movement

It takes a lot to move me. Yet Barack did. I went to see him before he had officially announced his candidacy and during the time he was testing the waters of “if he could pull this off.” From the first speech I heard from him I was smitten. –Caught up in the man, the hype and the hope. The possibility of changing the world one step at a time was intriguing to me and a concept that I held on to and embraced.

Along with the rest of the world, I was spellbound by his magnificent speeches, delivered in Martin Luther King Jr. style, his elegant and presidential presence and the family aura of a “do right” man. While all those things were the outward makings of a president, the movement that is Obama was even more detailed than that. It moved beyond the picture perfect poster child for change. It lay in the essence of his beliefs, his dreams, and OUR dreams. Obama is the one. But not because of his ability to fit into what is acceptable, but because he gives us all hope, he ignites a fire within us all to be better. And that is what the movement is about. Not following a man…but following a dream.

And Me

Even after Barak Obama has been crowned President-elect, I’m still the girl raised by a single mother who was taught never to depend on a man or another human being to exist in life. I am still the girl that is hard to please and who finds it hard to place her beliefs in a man, any man other than her God. And Barak Obama is no different…he will miss the mark on things, he won’t be able to deliver on all things promised, but he will try. He will think outside of the box in an effort to change the world and for me…that’s what I need. The essence of Me needs to believe again. The essence of Me needs someone to motivate me, inspire me and lead ME. The essence of my future and the future of my children needed someone who understands, looks like and gets me. The essence of my attachment to the 44th President of the United States is that together we can change the world and I have faith in The Man, The Movement and in Me.

Learn more about the brilliant Lorraine Adeeva Elzia, and Mistress Memoirs at


Jackie Moore said...

As usual, you are on point. My sister, you are right on point. Love your insight.

Valerie said...

Lorraine....if I wasn't already an Obama supporter, I would be after reading your words! If ever you decide to run for office Lady Elzia, you have my vote!

Author Jessica "Lyric" Robinson said...

your words are very moving and you can make an Obama supporter out of anone...thanks for sharing!

Claudia Brown-Mosley said...

I enjoyed this. Now I have a question for you? We as women these days, are we to independent?