Monday, January 5, 2009

New Beginning By: Jessica A. Robinson

New Beginning By: Jessica A. Robinson

So here's to the new year

It's time for a new beginning

It's time to embrace the new

And let go of old feelings

Time to press ahead

And let go of all the excuses

Cut loose from all the haters

Cuz their so called support was actually useless

Now is the time

To plan out all your goals

The bible says write the vision and make it plain

And next thing you know

It'll show up

What you can dream can actually become your reality

Even as fast as you can speak it

If you can speak it, think it, dream it

You can acheive itSo in this new year

Strive to live your dreams

Don't let anyone throw you off course

No matter how hard your dream may seem

Take this new beginning

For a fresh start

And really start living
JESSICA A. ROBINSON is the author of the forthcoming Holy Seduction. Find out more at!

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