Tuesday, October 26, 2010

From the Root to the Fruit

From the Root to the Fruit

One simple thought….

From the Root to the Fruit

What a wonderful colloquialism that I only wish I could claim as my own. – But I can't. At a recent MLK celebration, the keynote speaker was Bishop T.D. Jakes…the saying is his.

Uttered from his lips and forever entwined in my psyche.
Six words.
Alone they mean nothing, but put in proper context, they are the beginning of a phenomenal road map by which we should govern our lives.

In an eloquent, gregarious and expressive manner, Bishop Jakes linked the plight of Martin Luther King Jr. to the achievements of President Obama (oh, how I love the way that title rolls off one’s tongue.) Bishop Jakes indicated that in order for us to see the Fruit that is Obama, there had to be a Root, which was Martin Luther King Jr. One could not be possible without the other. Both are essential tools to get us to where we need to go.

Among the thunderous applause which engulfed a room filled to capacity, as everyone around me stood and shouted praises, amens and a few, “I know that’s right”, I sat nodding my head in agreement while taking notes. (I'm a writer…it’s what I do.) I scribed his powerful words, detailing the images around me, chronically my thoughts, describing my feelings and constructing analogies in my head. Through Bishop Jakes, I wanted to touch Barack and get a whiff of the smell of Martin. I needed to inhale and absorb both as if they were part of my current and physical existence; part of my earthly being. I could stand and applaud later, but at that moment I needed to touch the hem of the garment that made up both of these men...for me, I simply needed to personalize in words, the moment handed to me by God. I needed to make a lyrical scrapbook of what I was feeling before it became a faint and fleeting memory in the back of my mind. At that moment I wanted to document the events and environment around me so that I could relive it at a later time and for several more times like it to come.

The man before me was a man who days before had the privilege and responsibility of spiritually feeding a hungry sheep, albeit a sheep in the form of the man who would be the next president of the United States. Before me was the man, who had the task and honor of soothing the soul of our President mere hours before Barack would accept his role. Spitting out a simple thought of connection was a man who had accepted the challenge of shepardizing the spiritual guidance of a man who will lead us all and yet, Bishop Jakes humbly stood before a large crowd that had gathered to see him and celebrate a dream interpreted several decades earlier by a simple man named Martin. Oh, how six degrees of separation never felt so surreal.

Eagerly, my senses hung on Bishop Jakes’ every word. He did his job well and earned his appearance fee for the evening while stirring the crowd to feel connected, at least for a moment in time, with Martin and Barack. Mission accomplished in making a connection that all in the room could personally feel and take home to marinate on the significance of the moment that the 44th President of the United States brings and how his journey was paved by the blood, sweat and tears of others including, but not limited to Martin Luther King Jr. The moment should not be lost on any of us, the connection should be obvious to all of us, and the significance should be acknowledged even by the worst of us.

But where Bishop Jakes started, I challenge you to take a step further.

“From the Root to the Fruit”

As my favorite Pastor used to say, “I ain’t talking about nobody…just talking about what I’m talking about.” But for a short moment in time please contemplate this:

What roots are you nourishing? What seeds are you sowing?

For all things to blossom, they must first take root.

Take a moment and run with that thought.

If you want your life to blossom….
You must plant seeds
They must take root.
And then and only then will you see fruit.

In order for there to be a harvest, you must first tender to the crop.

Want a healthy marriage?
Plant the root of fidelity and communication.
Want respectable children, the kind you can be proud of?
Plant the root of knowledge, wisdom and discipline.
Want a successful career?
Plant the root of ambition, experience and skill.
Want accomplishment of your dreams?
Plant the root of steadfast endurance in chasing them.
All things are possible if you follow the road map and remember that in order to get the Fruit, you first have to have a strong, healthy and fertile Root.

Peace, Favor and blessings to you all,

Lorraine Elzia is an award winning author, and her latest release, Ask Nicely and I Might has received much praise. Order your copy at www.amazon.com!

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